Hello! Welcome to my Coffee Shop!
My name is Maya, and i'm the owner of this little place! Welcome in!
I'm a full-time piano streamer, sight-reading all kinds of sheet music! (VGM, anime OST, anything really~)
I've been into tech stuff since i was little, this is me finally unleashing that side of mine~
Things I've made so far:
- This site you're currently on
- The Coffee Brewer Discord Bot to help me with song requests
- Coffee Gacha in Gamemaker (now using Faceless Clown 's Python copy of it though
- Pumpkin Gacha in Unity 3D i used for my October Halloween Streams
- Every Single custom maya emote and Starting/Ending screens are fully made by me, art AND animation
Unannounced Survivors-like game in Unity 2D
I spawned on 9th of December in Russia
I use she/they pronouns! 
Big fan of hack and slash games, rhythm games, portable consoles and occasionally FPS (although i easily get motion sick from most games (。┰ω┰。))
Some of my favourites are NieR, Persona, FFXIV, Cytus II, HI3rd, Bayonetta, DMC 
I like watching any genre though, watching is my most favourite way to "play"
I'm fluent in Russian and English (NOT bilingual), know basics of German, Japanese, Spanish and Korean 
MBTI: 16personalities literally gives me a different answer on a different day, i don't think i'm very boxable like that
Hobbies: piano playing (sometimes guitar), sight reading, drawing, composing, taking photos, baking, tiniest bits of web/game dev, crocheting, sewing, crafting...
Favourite food: butter chicken, souffle, coffee with oat milk, maple walnut icecream, christmas tea, garlic (HATE onions though)
This site is under eternal construction.
- 12/02/2025: Added a Bingo for stream annoyances

- 06/01/2025: Added a "copied" popup on the songlist page + slight songlist rules rewrite ( ̄▽ ̄)ノ
- 30/11/2024: Reworked home page + snow + fixed songlist filters not lighting up! \(T∇T)/
- 20/11/2024: Added dashed borders to some stuff + nuko emotes + pinned footer to the bottom! ᕙ(・▽・‶)ᕗ